Saturday, February 26, 2011

10 years

Brian and I have been married for 10 years! Wow. I wanted to post a picture of our wedding but I don't have one saved on my computer. We were married before every thing was completely digital! hee hee. What a ten years it has been. A few of the things we've done togther: we have bought and sold houses, remodeled one of them, traveled around the world and had many road trips, moved all the way to Alaska and have a wonderful son and another on the way. Is this where we thought we would be after 10 years? For one I don't feel as old as I thought! :) Brian I Love you and can't wait to spend another 100 years with you! Thanks for all the good times and I can't wait for all that is to come!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

25 weeks

Here I am at 25 weeks.
Starting to get nice and round! :) So we really are starting to get some where with this pregnancy. Axel told me tonight Mom your huge! Then I asked him which part is huge and he said your head mom!? Humm... I don't know if I should be offended or not? Silly boy, don't tell a lady at 25 weeks that she is huge! It's funny how strangers react to a round bellied pregnant women; either they stare or they have to say some thing like Wow your huge, are you having twins or when are you due and then when I tell then early June they look at me like poor thing. I mean seriously this is when women should be round and beautiful. No worries, I'm growing a little human and when your 5'2'' it's gotta go some where! Oh and thank you...I feel great! Some day I'll see my feet again and fit into my jeans...right?!
At the end of it all I have to remind myself that this is what I'm working towards. An amazing little person. Axel was drumming tonight. So here's to being 25 weeks pregnant. I've read in one book that I'm in my 3rd trimester now-other's say not until 27 weeks. Either way I'm almost to the 3rd trimester. Right on!!!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jack Sprat, a cute little place to eat in Girdwood AK. The place is a little hippy resturant with foods like Yam fries and other things I can't even spell! I had the most amazing french toast here. The toast had banana burlee on top on them-like a fried banana with brown sugar topping-hard to explain but AMAZING. It's not just my pregnancy taste buds talking here either, Brian stated that his french toast was EPIC! makes me want to go back today for more!
We got a surprise visitor last week. Our friend Brent, from Cannonfalls MN. He wrote me on facebook stating that he would be in tomorrow! To funny. It was a welcomed surprise. He of course showed up the week that MN was in the 40's and AK was in the single digits! Welcome to AK in the winter. We attempted to get out and show his some of the amazing things that AK has to offer. I felt bad because there is some much that is restricted until the summer. But I think he still got to see some really cool stuff.
We took the tram to the top of a mountain at Alyeska Ski resort. I can't believe the little people I saw skiing down the mountain! It made me want to ski but it also made me a little nervous. It was a litte foggy that day but the view was still really amazing. Sorry just don't compare!
The top of the mountain-where the tram left us. There was one more ski left from here that went up further! Because of the fog that day it looked like the lift disappeared...scary! You can see the sun trying to peek over the mountains and thru the fog.

We are getting more and more sunlight every day. I think we are gaining about 7 minutes a day. I love having sunlight on the horizon when I drive to and from work. I am 25 weeks pregnant now. Wow! It sure is starting to get there. I feel good, just been starting to get headaches once and a while and of course generalized achiness. But my body is going through some crazy stuff, I guess I would expect some aches and pains! I feel the baby jamming around in my tummy every day. I love his flips and turns! We had a doctor's visit this week. It's so fun getting to hear the heartbeat. (which was in the 140's) My next doctor's visit I have to do the glucose test. Where you drink the sugar water stuff and see if my pancreas is working hard enough or not. Luckily I asked my doctor if it was a fasting test or not, because she had me scheduled at 4pm. (then finding out that I can't eat for 8 hours before the test. Whoo..I was not going to be a happy prego lady that day) Needless to say, I changed the appointment to early in the morning. I've started to buy a few diapers and slowly get ready Axel's old clothes washed up and ready for the baby. I love walking by his room seeing the crib and rocker ready to be used. And the clothes, I forget how little they are! Axel is doing awesome and loves his dance class. He listen's to his teacher really well and has been learning some new moves!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's

Happy Valentine's every one. I got a huge surprise at work today-flowers and a balloon. Ahhh... I've never gotten flowers at work before. Thanks Brian and Axel! You sure how to make your mom cry at work! LOVED IT!! You guys are the best!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is winter over yet?

Axel playing on my body pillow.
Is winter over yet? We sure are ready for the summer. When we are get outside with out a hundred layers on, go hiking or just chill on the deck. Oh yeah...and the arrival of baby #2! This momma is ready to meet the new little man! I'm as huge as a house, haven't been sleeping very well and my legs/hips are really achy lately. Over all I feel really great but 9 months sure is a long time! We are 24 weeks pregnant now, so we have about 16 weeks left. Hoo hum...

Axel started his first dance class this week. It's a hip hop/jazz class. I didn't know if he would like it but thought we'd give it a chance. It turns out that he had a blast! He said that dance is cool and he wanted to come back next week! Yeah!! I was hoping he would like it. He even fell while busting a move and got a bloody nose. (totally my kid-first day-bloody nose-this is full contact dance!) Once I got him all cleaned up he asked if he could go dance some more. I was so proud of him! He just brushed it off and then was ready to get back in there. He is the only boy in his class but he didn't seem to mind. The dance studio does have a little show in the spring...well see if Axel wants to do his first dance recital. Oh man I can't wait! I mean if he wants to :)