It snowed again today :( We are officially in winter. I haven't taken a picture of the snow yet because I am in denial. The winters are longer in Alaska. We (I mean Brian and Axel) have shoveled twice already and we got another 3-4 inches last night. (won't Brian be happy when he wakes up) Today I wanted to share some of the things the boys are up to. (I have to write them down so I don't forget)
He is such a character. I love the funny things he does and says. This age is a blast!
-the other day at dinner Axel informed me that he wanted a gold tooth. When I asked him why, he said "do you know what the tooth fairy would do with a gold tooth?" I guess your right buddy, gold prices are really high these days.
-this is is kinda naughty but funny. (we parent's have to admit the funniness in some of the naughty things kids do) I was asking to clean up his toys. He stops and says "gesh, mom stop breaking my ball!" Um..what?! Where did he learn this one.... I had to turn not to show him my smile. Axel Edwin...pick up your toys.
-he such a boy. Farting on my leg and burping at the dinner table. When I say Axel excuse you. He just reminds me that's what boys do! I guess I wouldn't understand because I'm a girl.
Where does he get this stuff? It's amazing how much he soaks in of every thing that is a round him. He loves his pre-school and is learning so much. He is really good with his brother. Abel will giggle every time Axel talks to him. He is so interested in every thing his big brother does. Axel loves being a show off for him.
-is rolling over. I saw him do back to tummy first. (I think Brian saw tummy to back) He wiggles all over and does tons of baby talking.
-he has been trying baby foods. The foods he has tried- apple sauce, banana's, green beans, carrots and now prunes with rice cereal. Did you know that carrots and apple sauce can plug you up? I figured banana's for sure but carrots too? Abel had a little plug up issue that week. Now we do prunes and apple juice once and a while. (apple juice is one that loosens and apple sauce plugs? I don't remember all these details.)
-he is a happy baby. The sleeping is getting better. He normally wakes up once a night and even has slept through the night a few times. (no real pattern of that yet but it's a start.)
I'm sure I'm forgetting some funny stories but that's why I have to write them down when they happen. I'll sure winter pictures soon...