We went to find Santa today. I had heard a rumor that he came down from the North Pole for one day to visit kids at the mall. On the way there Axel said he was so excited that he was going to fall down when he say Santa. Once we saw him shy guy Axel came out. He wanted to talk with him but wasn't to sure about sitting on his lap. He did finally sit on his lap but won't uncross his arms. Abel was just fine getting handed off to Santa and loved pulling on his beard. (At least mom didn't have to be in the picture this year)

Merry Christmas Santa. Axel loved asking questions about his reindeer. He now knows that the reindeer like to eat carrots, oats and chocolate chips and Santa would like cookies and milk. One the way home Axel said "hey gang, I got an idea. Let's leave out 2 cookies for me and a bunch for Santa." Of course once he got in the car he couldn't stop talking about Santa.
Abel had his 6 month doctor visit this week. (a little late) He is hitting all his milestones right on. Rolling, moving things from hand to hand and making lot's of baby sounds.
weight-16 pounds 7 ounces (40th %)
length-28 inch (90th %)
OFC- 44.6cm (forgot the %)
So he has leveled out with his weight and is long. He has been moving so much lately that-I'm sure he has been burning a ton of energy. His sleep is different every week. He is starting to get better at going to bed around 930pm and wake up once or twice a night. So sleep is still hit or miss at night but Abel normally takes one good nap-2 to 3 hours.
1 comment:
Loved the crossed arms. ;) Hehehehe.....Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
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