First-look at all of Abel's hair! It's really starting to growing in nicely. Routine's- It's interesting how patterned people are. I have to have a cup of coffee in the morning (yes, I drink coffee while I'm breast feeding) and I drive the same way to work every day-even though there is 3 different ways that I can take. Abel's routine changes every couple of weeks. Every time I think he has set a pattern it changes. He had gone almost 3 weeks with only waking up once a night. (it was blissful) Now, for the past week he has been staying up until 1030pm and waking up 2 or 3 times a night. What happened? I'm totally exhausted again. Maybe he's growing a lot this week? It's amazing how 3 days of a new pattern and BAM Abel has reset himself to a new routine.

Here is Abel holding his own bottle. He is getting pretty good at it.
Axel's routine-he love sitting in his bean bag with his pillow pet and chocolate milk, water and a snack. Every day this is his request when it's cartoon time! He's very particular about it. :)

Axel and mom had a special just the two of us morning. We went and made cookies with people from my work. They rented out a huge kitchen and baked and frosted all morning.

He was very serious about the frosting.

Other updates-Abel has been a rolling machine. He rolls from his back to his tummy, he gets stuck, I roll him back to his back and we do this over and over. He is also toy crazy. He loves reaching for toys, grabbing toys and rolling for toys. Axel thinks it gross how wet Abel's toys get when he's done with them.
1 comment:
Oh how wonderful waking up once a night would be! Mack goes to sleep at 6-6:30! He wakes up 6+ times. I am so used to it, I guess it is our routin. ;)
Love Abel's hair!!!
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