Sunday, November 14, 2010

Movie night

We brought Axel to his first movie tonight. We saw the movie Megamind. It was cute and Axel did really well. Snacks and soda helped. He had only 3 potty breaks and sat the whole time. He got a little restless towards the end but not to bad for his first time! It was fun actually going to a movie again. It's been a long time since we've been to a movie.

On the baby front I am 11 weeks pregnant today. The baby is officially described as a fetus. The baby is 1.5 inches long (about the length of your thumb from knuckle to the tip). It sounds so small for how tight my pants are lately! I have been feeling great just tired all the time. I haven't had any nausea for all most two weeks now. I am enjoying that even with being so tired. I've already had a little heartburn but I do eat a lot of spicy food, so I'll blame it on that! All in all things are good!

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