Axel and I got to spend the last two days home together. I love working only 3 days a week! (12 hour shift-but only 3 days a week normally) Anyways we hung out at home, went to the park by the Lake and even had a play date with Morgan and her mom Lisa. (a lady I work with and one of Axel's future girlfriends) It was a fun 2 days just trying to enjoy the weather and some good company.
Yesterday I noticed Axel starting to make his 'I'm going to make a grumpy' face so instead of bringing him to his room to change his diaper I put him on the potty and..... after a little while HE POOPED!! On the toilet! Cool huh?! I know that he totally doesn't know what he did but I let him flush the toilet and I almost took a picture-next time I will! (Brian thinks I'm weird for that one but just wait I'll share the pictures once he starts to get it better at this potty stuff!) I think it'll take a while to catch him early enough with peeing but I'm going to try and work on getting him to poop in the potty now. Potty training what a fun new adventure to begin!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I don't know where he learned that?!

It's been a while since I've posted any pictures so I thought I'd catch you guys up on the happens of the summer. Summers sure do go by fast and we've been so busy.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Ear infection
I wrote last week how Axel wasn't feeling good all week. Well after waiting until Friday to bring him to the doctor's (we had an appointment already set up for a weight check) I find out that he has an ear infection. Poor guy! I feel like the worse mom for waiting until Friday to bring him in. We started antibiotics and numbing ear drops and now he seems to be feeling much better. I just feel terrible for missing that he had an ear infection. It's hard because he didn't have a fever since Monday, he didn't have any ear drainage and his ear wasn't red. (that what happens to my dog?) It's just hard when they are teething because then all the symptoms seem to relate to the teeth not another body systems that I should be reviewing! The most important thing is that Axel is back to his silly goofy self! We even went to the MN Zoo on Sunday with Grandma Ann, Tracy and Ethan. Last time we brought him there he couldn't walk yet so it was fun watching him take every thing in again. We had a great day, the weather was perfect and Axel passed out before we got to the car. I love planning a day of fun and burning Axel so hard that he can't help but pass out! (you know it's been a day then!)
Weight check-20 lbs 5 oz
What a big boy! :) So now the big question in our house is should we turn around his car seat? Don't laugh because this is a big decision! I say No way, the most recent research says don't turn them around until 2 years or 30 pounds. Brian really wants to turn him forward so he can see us easier, he could watch a DVD and to save the back part of our truck seats. I know I'm a little anal on the topic but I'm a child passenger safety technician at work and it taints me on the issue. Don't worry I'm not a crazy lady that will make my 13 year stay in a booster seat. (even though the new law is a booster until age 8 or 4'8'', which I'm sure my kid will be 8 before he's 4'8'') When did you all turn your kiddo's around? Am I being too crazy anal on this topic and should I just let Brian do it?! Share your thoughts if you want.
Weight check-20 lbs 5 oz
What a big boy! :) So now the big question in our house is should we turn around his car seat? Don't laugh because this is a big decision! I say No way, the most recent research says don't turn them around until 2 years or 30 pounds. Brian really wants to turn him forward so he can see us easier, he could watch a DVD and to save the back part of our truck seats. I know I'm a little anal on the topic but I'm a child passenger safety technician at work and it taints me on the issue. Don't worry I'm not a crazy lady that will make my 13 year stay in a booster seat. (even though the new law is a booster until age 8 or 4'8'', which I'm sure my kid will be 8 before he's 4'8'') When did you all turn your kiddo's around? Am I being too crazy anal on this topic and should I just let Brian do it?! Share your thoughts if you want.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
More teeth and words
Axel has had a rough week because of getting more teeth. He just got one more tooth on the bottom. So now he has 4 teeth on the bottom and 4 teeth on top. But the last few weeks all 4 of his molars started to come in! He was sent home from daycare on Monday for a temp. of 102.1. Axel stayed home with Mom on Tuesday and now today he is at home with Grandma. He hasn't been eating much, he's drooling a lot and the nights...I fell like I have a new born again. Axel was up almost every 2 hours for the last 2 nights. It was hard getting to work by 0730 today with broken sleep. The poor guy is just punky feeling. He wants to snuggle a lot, which I don't mind, but he's just not him self. I hate having to go to work when my little guy isn't feeling good. I'm sure a day at Grandma's is all the doctor would order!
Axel sure has started to learn lot's of words lately. (most of them are pretty clear, but I understand him) Here are some of his most used words-ball, onmower (lawnmower), bubbles, Jazz (our dog), EV (T.V.), bug, Hi, yeah and uh oh. I know that he was other words that he knows I'm just not thinking about them right now. It's crazy on how many words have been popping out of him. I'll be talking with him about some thing and he'll point to it and use the word! (bug was a new one just this week) Lately he has been really aware of his diaper. The second he is wet or dirty he will start to tug on his diaper. Should I start to think about potty training now? He seems so little, but I'd love to get get rid of diapers. I can't wait to start buying little boy underwear!! All for now...
Axel sure has started to learn lot's of words lately. (most of them are pretty clear, but I understand him) Here are some of his most used words-ball, onmower (lawnmower), bubbles, Jazz (our dog), EV (T.V.), bug, Hi, yeah and uh oh. I know that he was other words that he knows I'm just not thinking about them right now. It's crazy on how many words have been popping out of him. I'll be talking with him about some thing and he'll point to it and use the word! (bug was a new one just this week) Lately he has been really aware of his diaper. The second he is wet or dirty he will start to tug on his diaper. Should I start to think about potty training now? He seems so little, but I'd love to get get rid of diapers. I can't wait to start buying little boy underwear!! All for now...
4th of July
So I know that this post is late but I don't have internet at home and some times it is hard finding time to go use free wi-fi some where. I will post pictures as soon as I can also. We had a great 4th of July week/weekend. I didn't have to work the whole week before and even ending up not have to work Friday and Saturday of the weekend! We went to the big Cannonfalls fair at couple of times. Axel had a blast eating a ton of fair food, playing games, seeing all the animals and even going on a few rides. (here's the food list that Axel ate (with dad's help)-cotton candy, cheese curds, mini donuts, corn dog, dipin dots, french fires and pizza!) Needless to say over the weekend we all had our fair share of junk food! Axel did great being out and about all weekend. He loves people watching and seeing new things. Axel stayed up late enough to watch the fireworks too. He was partying hard that weekend. (it was 1030pm before he crashed on the 4th!) I wasn't to sure what he would think about the fireworks-we had some at Jason's house-you know the kind you have to buy over the state boarder! Once Brian and Jason started lighting them off all Axel would say was"More!". He loved it! We also made it to the parade on Sunday. Axel loved watching all the trucks and tractors that went by. We got to meet baby Murphy (Reagen) for the first time before the parade. She was beautiful! Congrat's to Ryan and Chrissy on their baby girl! It was a great weekend filled with family from out of town, fair food, seeing animals and trucks and just hanging out with the people we love. What more could we ask for?! (it was great to see you Aunt Jennifer and Aubrey-from Colorado)
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