Working differently |
So it’s been a crazy last few weeks. We as healthcare worker have never experienced anything like this before. We are lucky in Minnesota that we have time to prepare and be ready as we can when the numbers hit us. I have been quarantined because of a possible exposure at work. I feel fine- I had the swab and it was horrible! If all people knew what a NP swab felt like it would encourage social distancing. My swab came back negative. I’m still working from home and watching for any symptoms. I’m so grateful that I have a job that will allow me to work from home - even though I would rather be on my unit helping. I will be able to return to work next week. As nurse leaders we will be covering some weekends and working from home a couple of times a week. Things have been changing daily. I miss our old norms and know that it will be a long time until things feel normal again. The kids are home and we started distance learning this week. One good thing for having me at home was to be able to be here and get them up and running. The kids have no idea how weird the world is right now. I wonder how they will look back on all this. They will be like remember that year we had the really long summer ?! The next few weeks are going to stay just as crazy as the last few! I hope everyone stays healthy and doesn’t run out of toilet paper :) Blessings and thank you’s to all the front line staff all over the world. Keep showing up and doing your thing!!

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