Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Ansel turns 6

My baby boy turns 6!!

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Dinner at Rancho Loco

Whipped cream in the face! 

 Yes, we got him a dart gun.  Yes, not enough 3 minutes later someone was crying because the boys were shooting each other in the head....boys....
Bowling party with friends

Mine craft cake 

Happy Birthday Ansel!  Time sure does buzz by way to fast.  Our littlest is 6!  We are totally out of the 'little' kid phase in our house.  Ansel has changed so much this year.  He loves kindergarten.  He has learned to read!  He loves doing any thing his brothers are doing- including fighting, making a mess, peeing on the floor- you know boy things :)  When he grows up he wants to be a scientist. You sure do complete our crazy family Ansel! 

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