Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Axel's Camera 2016

Axel got a camera last year to bring to his Colorado trip.  Since then he has been taking pictures on and off of things he has been up to.  I'm a little behind in sharing his pictures.  Here's a glimpse of 2016 from Axel's view :)
MN Zoo with Dad and brothers

Playing around with Mom :)

Cheese from Ansel

More Zoo trips

Love this one!

3rd grade field trip
 History Museums- Red wing and Cannon falls 

This loom was donated from Axel's Great-great grandma  

 I love all the 3rd grade selfies!  Some day I'll have to share these with his friends!

Thanks for sharing your pictures Axel!
 I love having Axel have his own camera.  It's fun to see what he likes to capture and how he plays around with his brothers.  I also like to be able to check out the field trips that I miss. 

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