Monday, December 19, 2016

Santa 2016

Santa Visit 2016

Boys talking with Santa

No one cried this year!

 Axel said he didn't want to smile?!  Ok, I guess.  He said he was still into seeing Santa- just didn't want to smile.  I'll take what I get- I think the Santa pictures are more for me then them any ways.  I just love that no one cried this year!

Thanks Santa! See you this weekend.

What the boys asked for:
Axel- wanted a model of a heart to learn from- a real one.
Ansel- wanted a sucker
Abel- wanted a feather coat

I love when some thing totally new comes up when we finally get to talk to Santa.  Axel- a heart model to learn from? Um.. ok! I mean totally up my ally by I have no idea where this one came from?  Maybe a great Birthday gift- since it's only a few weeks away.  Ansel- at least you held strong with the sucker idea!  Abel- a feather coat?  Ok, we could work on that one? But you do already have a coat. 
Today was one of those parent moments that made me feel bi-polar.  The Santa visit went great. No one cried and they were polite and said thank you.  We then had dinner at the mall. The boys were well behaved, no one got lost and it was a wonderful drive home listening to Christmas music and talking about Santa.  Then the crap hit- crazy over excited maybe- to much soda and candy canes maybe? Once we got home- no one told me thank you, they starting fighting, they totally stopped listening and were bouncing off the walls! It amazes me who well behaved they can be one second and totally crazy and fighting the next.  I know these are the days to enjoy and I do....but come on boys cut me some slack some times- instant fights as soon as we get home?  I think Santa is still watching after you talk to him! Maybe I needed to turn on the Christmas music again?  I Love you guys so much even when you make me crazy and loose my mind! Thanks for bringing me to Santa and treating me out to Pizza and noodles at the mall. :)

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