Thursday, September 8, 2016

1st Day of School

Axel 3rd grade
Wants to be when he grows up:
to work at NASA or a paleontologist

Abel  Kindergarten
Wants to be when he grow up:
a working guy (like Dad) or a hero or work next to Axel where ever he works

These Boys :)

Thumbs up Mom- I got this!

Even rode the bus on the 1st day!

We've been waiting ALL day for them to get home

Big brother carrying his brothers back pack

Abel made it!!
Man what a week!  Axel started 3rd grade on Tuesday.  Abel got to meet his teacher on Tuesday but actually started going to Kindergarten today!  I know that he is ready to learn more then I can teach him but I am always sad to see them start school.  He is excited to learn how to read this year and see his friends from preschool.  He seemed calm and focused about today.  He rode the bus with his brother and even brought his own lunch. (I guess on the way home  he got a little sad on the bus because he didn't see Axel right away but as soon as he saw his brother it was better) I think I was more stressed about the day then he was.  I didn't cry but I really wanted to.  Starting school just changes so much.  I'm not ready for my funny, creative, sweet boy to be gone all day.  I hope this year goes well for him!!  The house was so quiet today with out the older two screaming and fighting with each other- I mean playing together :)  Every one was happy to see each other once they got home.  Axel did such a good job helping his brother today- big brothers are the best!  Arghh.... I guess we start another school year.

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