Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cabin Time

All packed and ready to go!

Brian helping the dogs and Big's HUGE kennel

Finally after a 4 hour drive we made it to the cabin!!
 This year was the year of "are we there yet?"  I think Abel started asking before we even left town!  A four hour car ride is tricky with the boys but  with some snacks and lot's of fun conversation we all made it in one piece.
Ready to go fishing

Dad and Ansel on the dock

The mighty fisher men!
Axel even baited his own hook this year.

So determined!

Not many fish but it's fun trying

We always have to make a stop at the pizza place Zorbaz


The boys played in the water all weekend

Axel trying again


Camp fires at sunset


Grandpa came this year-
The boys were so excited to get on the boat

More fishing

More cheese :)

Dancing at sunset

Smiley face in the syrup

Pancakes outside

One more boat ride

Ansel and his fish :)

Abel got one too!!

Right when he was ready to give up- Axel caught one!
Thanks Dad for a great weekend at the cabin!! 

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