Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4th of July

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness! Hope every one had a wonderful 4th of July.  We had a great weekend enjoying small town America in Cannon Falls, MN.  It's so great having so much going on during the 4th right in our town.  We had the fair, parades, 4 wheeler rides around town and fire works! Of course I took way to many pictures!
Making smores in the backyard

The Fair

Exotic Petting Zoo
Loved the porcupine 

More Fires


Feeding Aunt Tracy

Ready for the parade

All the boys :)

Ansel loved waving at every one

Axel begging to get sprayed by water

Candy and Freezes!!

Rides on Dad's Rzr

Hanging at great Uncle Dave's for fireworks 

Laying down to watch the fire works in the best!

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