Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Finding my balance

I started taking Yoga again this week.  I have always played around with Yoga at home but have only taken a few classes at a studio.  Every time I remember really liking it.  I enjoy taking classes for a form of working out.  I have a hard time keeping myself focused at home.  I have finished my college classes for the year and now can take some me time in a different way.

After  finishing my first class on Monday I felt amazing! I had so much energy and was happy.  So happy that I returned Tuesday morning for a 6:15 am class.  (it works so much better for my schedule to get a class in nice and early) My muscle ache (I am so out of shape) but I can't wait to go back again.  I got to attend a class at the studio I use to teach dance in.  It has changed a lot but I have some many memories at that studio.  It was so much fun to be there.

I follow some amazing women who blog and have awesome work out skills. I take them as my inspiration to get get moving. So here I am making a point to take for me and get myself back into shape.

1 comment:

jules said...

It really is amazing how wonderful it will make you feel physically and mentally! It is like you have to teach yourself HOW to breathe. :) But it really does make all the difference, and it makes us better moms and wives. Without yoga, I have zero patience. With anything. Haha. So happy for you!!!! And happy you've got time for a me-break.