Thursday, May 28, 2015

Birthday Weekend

We had a weekend full of birthday Celebrations. Here's me trying to catch up with pictures!
Abel turns 4 !!!

Cupcakes at Grandma Ann's

Fort building kit :)

Stella turns ONE!! 

Party at Hamblin Grandparent's
Turning 4 is awesome!!

Lot's of family time

Ninja Turtle Gear 

Me and my sister Krisha
turning.... 35! 
Okay, I can't believe that Abel is 4. My middle boy- I have so much more to write about him turning 4. On another post.
Miss Stella- our niece. She turned ONE! She was not to jazzed about her cake but ended up sampling it a little.
Then of course Me and Krisha turn 35! Holy crap.... it's scary to even write. 35 use to seem SO much older then I feel.  Maybe that's good? Here's how I feel about turning- let's say it one more time- 35 years old! I got a little bummed on the day but I have gotten over it and reflected that things aren't to bad:
* I like my job.  I'm happy with the unit I work on and the people I work with are amazing. I have learned so much as a nurse working in the PICU.
*I'm half way through grad school.  My original goal was to be done by this age but hey- at least I'm close and still don't have any student loans. (some times this just means you have to go slower then I would want)
*I'm not totally unhappy with the pant size I am in. I know this is trivial but it does make a difference in how you view your self and feel. I know I am my own worst critic but at least I'm holding my own- I guess :)
*I have 3 crazy, beautiful, healthy boys.  What a blessing that I had never image would happen! I at least still have the energy- most of the time- to chase my boys around.
*I have a pretty good husband and partner in crime. He has known me for more than half my life now! (we started dating when I was 16 years old)

I'm sure I'll think of a few more things but that's it for now. So 35.... it could be worse, right?!  I'll try to only think of it as a number.  :)

Thanks to all our family for celebrating with us this weekend. It's always great to spend time together.

1 comment:

jules said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! :)