Friday, August 29, 2014

Kitchen Science

 Still working on our summer check list.  Axel got this book last year for Christmas.  We had a goal of getting through some science experiments this summer.  Of course here we are during the last week of summer trying to start! Axel picked out 3 to try this week.
Shining pennies
 1st experiment- A Penny for Your Thoughts.  Learned a little bit about acid and bases.  And in the end got to get some pennies shiny.
 2nd experiment- Rainbow Burts.  Learned about molecules and their effects on each other.  I was cool to see the food coloring separate in the milk.  
3rd experiment- Self- Inflating balloons. Learned about yeast how it rises and carbon dioxide.
Of course all the cool science information was in the book and had all the directions written out for us. Well we didn't get to do the whole book this summer but at least we tried a few. Science is fun!
Now I've been catching Axel 'doing science' for the last few days.  He loves mixing things together to see what happens- like soap, toothpaste, or any thing that is sitting out in he bathroom.  I've created a monster! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It all started with a Door

 This is How it all started... A Door. We have turned the basement family room in to our bedroom. (living in a split level house)This allows each person to have their own bedroom. (we have 3 rooms up stairs) Our new bedroom is nice and big- with a bathroom and a storage room that will be converted to a closet- a huge closet! But the one big flaw was that we did not have a door on our bedroom. Then we found this oak door at a garage sale for $20. Like always one 'tiny' project morphed into another 'bigger' project. But in the end I have a door and new tile in my bedroom, closet and laundry room. 
So nice to have a door!
Uncle James starting the floors
 Thanks to my brother James we did all the floors on our own. It was frustrating and fun to learn how to tile. :)
It has begun!

Half way
Brian working on the grout

Dark grout- the only way to go

Almost done

My knees do not like grouting

Proof that I did a little work :)

In the cloest

I don't have a picture of our room with the finished project yet. Some day when my room is clean and I have pictures on the wall I'll share a picture. But I love the new floors. So easy to clean and look great. They may be a little cold in the winter but gives me an excuse to wear slippers. Thanks again to my baby Bro for helping us!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Big Bugs and Chicken Heads

Axel going on a camel ride
 We have had so many fun trips to the MN Zoo this summer.  I love getting a membership so we can go when we want- stay all day or just for an hour.

 Big Bugs were at the Zoo this summer. Of course my boys loved all the bugs!

Fun with goats

Chicken Heads

Ice cream and french fries

Baby Love

Monday, August 18, 2014

Holding on to Summer

Exploring on the Cannon trail
 Okay, summer we gave it our best try.  Of course we feel like it went to fast and can't believe that we only have 2 weeks until school starts again.  Axel said that he is ready for school because he is sick of only hanging out with his brothers.

Melon Faces

Crashed out baby

Playing Army guys

Tire Swing
 One weekend when I worked I came home to Brian and the boys building a tire swing in the back yard. :)

 Axel loves the tire swing- Abel isn't to sure about it yet.
Fresh air makes a baby sleepy

Fun with Scooter
 Does any one remember these square scooters from gym class? I do! I found them online and had to order them.  Of course the wheels are too small to work well in our drive way but they work great on the basketball court at the park!

I wish we had a great adventure still planned for the end of summer but we don't.  I hope to get some more sunshine on our skin, playing at the park, visits to the zoo and any thing we can cram in.
p.s.- Mom will take a nap boys- I know that's not a cool summer thing but sure sounds nice :)