Friday, May 30, 2014

The Dentist

Abel's first trip to the dentist. He got to watch his big brother the day before which I think helped. The morning of his appointment he told me that he didn't want to go. He was a little nervous in the waiting room and had to sit on my lap in the beginning. After looking at all the tools and finding the TV in the room he was brave and got his teeth cleaned and flossed! Way to go Abel :)


Unknown said...

I'm glad taking Abel to see his older brother visit the dentist helped him get an idea of how the process goes. I'm guessing everything went well? Hahaha! He's quite quick to pick up the comfort. You must be so proud of him. Of course, it also helped that you prepared him for it. Kudos to you! All the best! :)

Joel Haynes @ Pediatric Dentist Georgia

Unknown said...

Wow! You did a good job in prepping Abel up for his trip to the dentist. One of the best ways to relieve him off the pressure of his first dental visit is to take him to witness the dentist at work beforehand. I'm glad you thought of that idea up. A job well done to both you and Abel! Kudos! :D

Weston Wadlington @ Peak Family Dentistry

Bernard Fox said...

I love how perfect the star-shaped sunglasses look on Abel. Just look at that big adorable smile. He looks thrilled to be at the dentist. In any case, I'm glad things turned for the better once he actually got there. He is quite a brave little boy, ain't he? Thanks for sharing all about that day! All the best to the whole family! :)

Bernard Fox @ Dental Care California