Friday, March 14, 2014


 Abel, Ansel and I are starting to settle in to our routine of being home.  We pulled Abel from daycare while I'm home. Once I return to work Grandma Ann is going to help us. One nice thing of working 12 hour shifts is that on average you only work 2 or 3 days a week. I've really been enjoying having Abel home. He's so busy but so much fun.
 He is such a good eater and has a new love for cereal. He could eat it all day. Abel lately has been really in to being a cowboy. He always has his boots on, his hat and wears a belt around his tummy- as a cowboy belt. It's a struggle getting them off at night and the first thing he does in the morning is put them all back on. I love all the personality that is forming.

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