Thursday, August 22, 2013

Time slips away from us

Photo's courtesy of Kellie Coughlin- Denver CO 

telling secrets

It seems like the last few weeks have gone by so fast. I have so many pictures that I haven't shared yet from this summer. Here are a few of my favorites. These pictures were done by Kellie- Brian's cousin- who lives in Denver. She took them while the boys played at the park next to Tommy's house. They were taken on the day we found out about Brian's aunt death. It was unexpected and she left behind a family who cared very much about her. Axel and Abel reminded all of us that day to Live for the moment and enjoy each second we have with each other. Life is short and none of can control what happens to us. My job is very sobering like this too and I have had a few rough days there also. Not to be morbid and all but life gets so busy we let it pass us by with out really taking the time to love and appreciate every second we have. Okay maybe I just had a bad day and am being an emotional pregnant lady!

1 comment:

jules said...

Totally agree, Shanna. (And I think you are extra strong to be able to do what you do...while pregnant with your third!)