Thursday, August 29, 2013

A visitor from Alaska

A good friend of mine from Alaska was in MN the other weekend. It was so great to have the chance to run in to her. We use to work together at the clinic in Anchorage. She is originally from MN and was here visiting family and friends. We met her at her friends establishment- the Niagara Caves in Harmony MN. I had never seen the caves before so it was a fun adventure also!
My family

Jill and Axel in the caves

Looking down on the water fall


I can't wait for our next visit Jill.  It was so good to see you and catch up. It made me miss Alaska so much! I hope to be able to come see you in your new location in King Salmon, Alaska. I heard the bear watching is amazing! Once we get settled with the new sprout we hope to start planning an Alaskan trip. It can't some soon enough.

Jill and I

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Time slips away from us

Photo's courtesy of Kellie Coughlin- Denver CO 

telling secrets

It seems like the last few weeks have gone by so fast. I have so many pictures that I haven't shared yet from this summer. Here are a few of my favorites. These pictures were done by Kellie- Brian's cousin- who lives in Denver. She took them while the boys played at the park next to Tommy's house. They were taken on the day we found out about Brian's aunt death. It was unexpected and she left behind a family who cared very much about her. Axel and Abel reminded all of us that day to Live for the moment and enjoy each second we have with each other. Life is short and none of can control what happens to us. My job is very sobering like this too and I have had a few rough days there also. Not to be morbid and all but life gets so busy we let it pass us by with out really taking the time to love and appreciate every second we have. Okay maybe I just had a bad day and am being an emotional pregnant lady!

Monday, August 12, 2013


I have been SO exhausted lately. I know pregnancy can do that to you but man I don't remember being this tired...all...the...time. It feels like I just can't get any thing done lately. I try to do things around the house, get one thing done and have to sit down. Chasing two crazy boys and working 12 hours shifts probably doesn't help much either.  I haven't posted much yet about being prego because I just am 8 weeks and still at that I am nervous about getting to the things are all good phase. Thinking happy thoughts every day and hoping to continue to brew my little bean :)
So far I have been having nausea (which is very new to me- I had none with my other 2). Nausea is NOT a fun thing to deal with. I always felt bad for the women who had to deal with this but now I get my chance. I feel it all day- not just in the morning. I have been doing a little better when I eat a little bit more often. I haven't thrown up or any thing just feel burpy and yucky a lot. Smells- why does every thing have such strong smells when your prego? Some times this is the worst at lunch time. I have found a nice table out side to eat at on certain days.  I hope it goes away but it is a nice reminder that some thing is going on in my body. Oh... and  I am already starting to sprout a tummy! Wow it seems early this time. Some of my pants are totally too tight- luckily it's summer and I can wear comfy cotton shorts that have stretching room. We have our first big DR visit this Friday which is always exciting.

The size of the baby this week- a kidney bean

The boys are doing well just both fighting summer colds. Abel just got over having croup- again. Poor kid seems to get the coughs so easily. Axel is also fighting a cold this week and was super bummer when he had to go to daycare with a cough. He said Mom I'm sick your supposed to do what ever I want! Love those two but slow down...your Mom is tired these days and can't keep up as well. This exhausted stuff goes away right?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Summer check list

I have lived in MN most of my life- except the 2 years in Alaska- but there are ionic MN things I haven't seen or done. This summer I wanted to get a few of them off my list. This is one of them. To see the spoon with the cherry on it. I've driven by it many time but not actually seen it. It's located right by the Walker Art Museum in Minneapolis.

                     Did you know that the cherry has water coming out of the top? I didn't know that!
Axel being a sculpture. Abel just being himself

Pondering minds

                                         The boys taking time to stop and smell the flowers.

It was a fun day walking around the city and looking at art. A good thing to teach my boys. Axel said that it wasn't a park like he was thinking but he still had a good time. We finished the day with going out for pizza- all of our favorite kind of food. On the way to the pizza place one of Axel's favorite songs came on the radio. I told him it's good sign for other good things to come. (I always love when I have a good moment and then get into the car to hear my jam.) He responded by stated that it would be the best day ever if a T-Rex would fall from the sky or if he could live in a castle with a dungeon. Quite the wishes. Neither of these happened but all in all it was a great day!