I have been SO exhausted lately. I know pregnancy can do that to you but man I don't remember being this tired...all...the...time. It feels like I just can't get any thing done lately. I try to do things around the house, get one thing done and have to sit down. Chasing two crazy boys and working 12 hours shifts probably doesn't help much either. I haven't posted much yet about being prego because I just am 8 weeks and still at that I am nervous about getting to the things are all good phase. Thinking happy thoughts every day and hoping to continue to brew my little bean :)
So far I have been having nausea (which is very new to me- I had none with my other 2). Nausea is NOT a fun thing to deal with. I always felt bad for the women who had to deal with this but now I get my chance. I feel it all day- not just in the morning. I have been doing a little better when I eat a little bit more often. I haven't thrown up or any thing just feel burpy and yucky a lot. Smells- why does every thing have such strong smells when your prego? Some times this is the worst at lunch time. I have found a nice table out side to eat at on certain days. I hope it goes away but it is a nice reminder that some thing is going on in my body. Oh... and I am already starting to sprout a tummy! Wow it seems early this time. Some of my pants are totally too tight- luckily it's summer and I can wear comfy cotton shorts that have stretching room. We have our first big DR visit this Friday which is always exciting.
The size of the baby this week- a kidney bean |
The boys are doing well just both fighting summer colds. Abel just got over having croup- again. Poor kid seems to get the coughs so easily. Axel is also fighting a cold this week and was super bummer when he had to go to daycare with a cough. He said Mom I'm sick your supposed to do what ever I want! Love those two but slow down...your Mom is tired these days and can't keep up as well. This exhausted stuff goes away right?