Saturday, January 28, 2012

Abel's on the move

Here is an example of Abel's army crawling. He is non-stop now. He gets into every thing-he loves all the power cords (behind the TV and on the lamps) and he reminds me how clean my floors are. :) Abel thinks it's so fun that he can try to follow his brother around but Axel moves so fast!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

8 months and an Alaskan neighbor

Abel is 8 months old!
Brothers on the rocking chair
Abel has two teeth now-2 on the bottom. He has been sampling a bunch of new foods. His new favorite is pancakes and goldfish crackers. He even got to try a french fry the other day when we went out to eat. He thought it was very interesting. He army crawls all over-there is no stopping him now. He does not like to sit though-we are still working on that one. Another big one is that we stopped breast feeding :( I feel bittersweet about that one. Abel has been weaning him self for the last month and then he also likes to use his teeth. Ouch... So it was mutual I guess. I was very sad last Monday when I didn't bring my pump to work. We made it to 8 months-not to bad Mom.
Abel playing in the bath

Brian went to get the mail the other day and he saw this guy across the street. Can you see him between the neighbors houses?
He's still there-eating the branches. There is so much snow here I heard the moose are coming out because they need food and can't find it on the higher grounds any more.
Brian went around the neighbors house to get a close up.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Axel's first time at the dentist. He was was so brave and did a great job!
He got to wear shades because the lights were bright.
I thought they might just brush his teeth and look in his mouth. But Axel got a full cleaning-used the scraper, the water and suction and even got his teeth polished! He thought his teeth were very shiny after. He couldn't wait to show dad when you got home.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


We love pancakes! Nothing is better for dinner then breakfast food.

Mom is getting really good at making fancy shaped pancakes for Axel. I should have taken a picture but I was to busy cooking! Tonight we did a snowman, a mickey mouse head and a dinosaur :) Pancakes aren't difficult to cook but I love finding some thing that Axel is excited to eat-besides chicken nuggets.

Monday, January 16, 2012

My list 2012 verision

So it's a new year and every one has things they want try better at or attempt for the first time. I have been thinking about this new year and what it will bring for me. (and of course my family) I'm not big at saying I have a new year's resolution-I normally say my new years resolution is NOT to have one! But I have decided to write a short list of hopes and dreams for the year.

1. Take a class-something like Yoga would be amazing or maybe even finally start my Master's program that I keep delaying.
2. Snuggle my kids more :)
3. Have a date night-we have not had one of these sense we moved to AK :( No family to watch the babies. I have never left Axel or Abel with a non family member and don't think I am ready still.
4. Snuggle my husband more- a date night would help this!
5. Cook more- and try different things.
6. Read more books. I used to do good at this but it has really slowed down.
7. Call my sisters more. Even though we have our differences it's amazing having sisters and I love each one of them for who they are. (if I was in MN I would say that we should have sister dates again-but maybe that one will be for next year?)
8. Start jogging again. Winter is hard for this and a treadmill is on my list but once summer hits there should be no excuse. Well-at least walk every night-then I can bring my boys.
9. Attempt to be more girly. This one will be hard but it could start out by painting my finger nails or curling my hair more often. (maybe for the date night?) I think with 3 boys in the house I might have to go buy some pink shoes or something also!
10. Watch less TV-this may help the reading more!
11. Get more sleep-um Abel you can help mom with this one! :) Yes, he is still NOT sleeping through the night.
12.Go fishing-out here it's Halibut or Salmon.
13. Grow some thing-like veggie's or maybe I'll try to get my orchids back up and blooming.
14. Drink more water-and less Mt. Dew (for those who have worked with my you understand how big this one is. I do great at home with water drinking but I end up drinking lot's soda at work. The hours do help-but no excuse-water is good for you!)
15. Take more pictures-I'm sure Brian will laugh a this one because I take lot's of pictures. But the boys change so much so fast and I want to remember every minute of it!
16. Get into my skinny jeans! The jogging and water might help this one.

I'm sure I could keep thinking of things but here are a few of the ideas I have for this year. Here's hoping that I accomplish some of them!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Finally got a shot of Abel's teeth! 2 little teeth on the bottom row.
Silly little baby

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Axel

Side view of Axel's B-day cake. Dinosaur bones!
I can't believe that my first baby boy is 4 years old! When did that happen? Axel you are such an amazing little boy. Your funny, smart, love to snuggle your mom and have really kept me humble. I have loved every day that I have with you and I can't wait for many more!!
Dino cake-picked out by the 4 year old!

Watching his volcano rumble. Of course there is a dinosaur in there.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Snowy New Year's

Happy New Year's to everyone! 2012... New Year's eve is Brian's Birthday-Happy B-day honey. The boys got their dad a HUGE gummy bear. :) It was 5 pounds and 11 inches! Axel thought it was the coolest-hey buddy that's for your dad!
The best 6,000 cal gift ever!
Of course a part of the day was spent dealing with the snow. When will it end? Axel could be out side all day.
I remember piles of snow that big when I was a kid.
I miss the days of sitting on my deck with the sun shining.
I've been trying to get a picture of Abel's little teeth that are starting to pop through. Not yet-He just moves way to much. Mom will keep trying!