Christmas is always full of memories. One of the memories I have is every one in the family having matching stocking with our names on them. I always thought they were so cool. This year I finally am the mom with matching stockings for my family! (early gift for mom-thanks pottery barn)

Axel was a wonderful helper this year.

Hum...I think there is some thing in there!

Gifts from MN! This year Christmas was very magical for Axel. He was amazed at the reindeer tracks in the drive way and thought it was funny how Santa ate his cookies that he left out-all 6 of them! He loved looking at the tree with all the presents underneath for the last few weeks and was excited every time a new box came from MN. Thanks again to all of our family in MN for all the wonderful gifts.

Axel loved every thing he opened this year. He has been playing non-stop! He opened a box of batteries sent from Grandma and Grandpa. When he saw what was in the box he said "Wow I've never had batteries before!" I think he would have been content with a box of batteries. Once he saw the next box-with remote controls cars-that needed batteries-he said "what the heck?" Brian and Axel have been racing the cars all over the house Mom!

Abel-he loved the boxes and the wrapping paper this year. All of his pictures were action shots because he is on the move. He rolls non-stop and has been scooting around also. Axel tried to keep his stuff way from him but it just made Abel want it more. Sorry Axel...your in for it soon :)

Axel's pile of gifts. He kept trying to pile them up to count them and then Abel would come over and knock them down.

He loves watching his big brother.

Axel's new army gear.

Abel's new blocks. It was a great weekend at home with the boys. We got to skype both of our families so it helped to feel a little closer to everyone during the holiday season. We sure do miss you all! But it was nice to stay in our PJ's all weekend-no where to go but stay home and play. I have so many more pictures but these are a few to give you a glimpse of how we spent our weekend. It was cold and of course we got more snow. On Friday we got 12 inches! I wish I could send some to MN-I've had enough of the snow now. When is summer? The days are slowly getting longer now. December 21st is the shortest day-sunrise at 1015am and sunset at 320pm. The last few days we've only gained seconds but the days are getting longer-even if it's only 15 seconds at a time!