Axel had a great time with Ethan and Grandma. He has been bored ever since they have left.

Abel. I can't believe that you are already 3 weeks old! It sure has gone by fast. The past 3 weeks have been full of diaper changes and more diaper changes and every 3 hour feeds. I've been peed on and pooped on. It amazes how fast they can get you. :) I forgot how much work breast feeding is. It is truly exhausting at times, but then I get a little squishy face sleeping on my shoulder and I forget all about it.

Here's grandma Ann and all her boys. I hope the three boys weren't to much at one time for her! Thanks for every thing Ann, it was great to see you. We miss you already!!!
Oh my goodness! Abel is SO adorable!!! Quit counting down the weeks!!! It's scaring me!!!
I know right?! I can't believe how fast the time has been going. I just want to hold him all day. I'm going to have to go back to work way to soon. :(
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