Here are a few of Abel's newborn pictures. They were taken when he was 11 days old. The day was interesting to say the least. Axel was not willing to take pictures-until we tricked him to 'test' out the bean bag and oh yeah.... I totally got pooped on! With a white shirt on. (I guess how else do you get the beautiful naked baby shoots?!) But in the end I'm super happy with all the shoots that we got. They change so much in the first few months so it's fun to capture this tiny squishy baby phase. Axel was not to sure about having his brother laying on him. He was afraid that he was going to get pooped on also-even though Abel had his diaper back on by this time! All pictures were taken by Andrea Corbin photography in Anchorage Ak.
Jeremy said he looks like he is going to be a little trouble maker.... ;) Whatever that means.
Those are ADORABLE pics! Those lips are to die for!!!!
I can't wait to get ours back!
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