A part of the Chugach mountains. Brian and the neighbor went climbing last weekend and this is the mountain that they climbed.

7 mile lake in the distance. I guess this is the place to go for berries this fall!

Yeah he made it!!!

Can see Anchorage and the ocean from here.

We went to Bird point off of the Seward highway to look for mountain goats up in the mountains. Here's Axel and dad looking with their binoculars.

Mom and her boys.

We found these guys right on the side of the road. It's hard to tell but they were about 20 feet away from the highway.

Eating grass right on the side of the Seward highway.

Then we stopped a little further down the road to get a drink. Water coming fresh out of the mountain side. It was amazing and super cold.

Who needs a soda when you can fill up on the mountain side?