Sunday, June 26, 2011

The loss of an old friend

Today we lost an old friend, Louis. He has been our dog for 14 years. He has been sick for a while but finally today was the day. Louis we had so many good times with you. You were a great dog and will always be missed. We love you!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fun with markers

Axel coloring with markers. He did get some on the paper! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Recent adventures

A part of the Chugach mountains. Brian and the neighbor went climbing last weekend and this is the mountain that they climbed.

7 mile lake in the distance. I guess this is the place to go for berries this fall!
Yeah he made it!!!
Can see Anchorage and the ocean from here.

We went to Bird point off of the Seward highway to look for mountain goats up in the mountains. Here's Axel and dad looking with their binoculars.
Mom and her boys.
We found these guys right on the side of the road. It's hard to tell but they were about 20 feet away from the highway.

Eating grass right on the side of the Seward highway.

Then we stopped a little further down the road to get a drink. Water coming fresh out of the mountain side. It was amazing and super cold.
Who needs a soda when you can fill up on the mountain side?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Abel's newborn pictures

Here are a few of Abel's newborn pictures. They were taken when he was 11 days old. The day was interesting to say the least. Axel was not willing to take pictures-until we tricked him to 'test' out the bean bag and oh yeah.... I totally got pooped on! With a white shirt on. (I guess how else do you get the beautiful naked baby shoots?!) But in the end I'm super happy with all the shoots that we got. They change so much in the first few months so it's fun to capture this tiny squishy baby phase.

Axel was not to sure about having his brother laying on him. He was afraid that he was going to get pooped on also-even though Abel had his diaper back on by this time!

All pictures were taken by Andrea Corbin photography in Anchorage Ak.

Monday, June 13, 2011

All alone again

Axel had a great time with Ethan and Grandma. He has been bored ever since they have left.
Abel. I can't believe that you are already 3 weeks old! It sure has gone by fast. The past 3 weeks have been full of diaper changes and more diaper changes and every 3 hour feeds. I've been peed on and pooped on. It amazes how fast they can get you. :) I forgot how much work breast feeding is. It is truly exhausting at times, but then I get a little squishy face sleeping on my shoulder and I forget all about it.

Here's grandma Ann and all her boys. I hope the three boys weren't to much at one time for her! Thanks for every thing Ann, it was great to see you. We miss you already!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Ann and Ethan visit continues...

Ethan and Axel walking along bird point.

Playing at Bouncing Bears.

I had a plan to write all about the adventures and exploring that Ethan and Axel having been doing but I never seem to get around to it. So here's a few more pictures of what they have been up to. Today they are going to the Zoo and grandma Ann is getting good at using her new camera! Abel is so sweet and squishy! I love this tiny little baby phase. He sleeps a lot still but he has been having more time with his eyes open. Grandma held him today for a whole hour while he was awake and staring at her.

Monday, June 6, 2011

2 weeks

I can't believe that Abel had his 2 week doctor appointment today. Where does the time go? I am still in awe that I have another son. Wow! I'm not sure whose features he is going to have. Will he have blue eye's like his brother or brown like his daddy's? Humm...
Abel had a great 2 week doctor's appointment. His weight is up to 8 pounds and 1 ounces! His length was 21 inches. He is around the 70% for both sections. I can't believe it. He's eating well :)
Grandma and Ethan are her until the 12th of June. Axel and Brian have been taking them around to see some of the sites. When they are out I have been enjoying time with Abel. I think I hold him and stare at him the whole time!

Explorer Glacier ( or at least that's the name Brian and Ann think it was)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ann and Ethan visit

Grandma Ann and Ethan are here from June 2nd-June 12th. It's been so nice having family in town. It was Ethan's first time on a plane. Axel has been having so much fun having Grandma and Ethan to play with. Yesterday they all went to the nature center.
Axel and Ethan holding hands on the trail. Both of the boys thought it was super cool to have to wear bear bells while out hiking.

Playing in the hole in the tree
At the river park in Eagle River
Ethan way up high

Rafters on the river.