Monday, April 12, 2010

Happy Easter

So I'm always late on my posts these days. But Happy Easter every one! We had a great day. I ended up not having to work! (thanks to my wonderful co-worker Donna) Yes, I know I work at a catholic hospital and they don't count Easter as a holiday on my floor? (don't ask) Axel loved the jelly bean trail that he found that lead to his basket. It was so fun watching him. At first he skipped to the middle of the trail but then he realized that it was candy and had to go back to the beginning and shove as many in his mouth as possible. (my friend has the cutest idea about taking the hollow chocolate bunny you bit his ears off and filled it full of milk and then drink it with a straw) Well I wanted to try this year and when I opened the bunny he had a stinken hole in the bottom! Bummer... Axel didn't care he thought eating chocolate for breakfast was the coolest! Next year I'll have to try it again. We first stopped by Grandma Ann's house. She gave Axel a cute little basket with treats, a book and a new summer outfit. Then we went to my parent's for dinner. Had great food and Axel loved running around with his cousins. The kids did a egg hunt-which was a blast-country yard makes for a fun hunt! My dad hide a turkey egg so who ever found that one got $5! Congrat's to Maddie. (yes, my parent's are hobby farmers now) Axel just loves it at my parent's because the have all kinds of animals to watch-chickens, turkey's and puppies-they also used to have pigs and a goat!) Axel of course got totally spoiled by all his Easter bunnies. Thanks all the grandparent's/great-grandma Bev for the basket's and nice gifts. I even got a basket this year! (Axel might have gotten puzzles,bubbles, a kite and a flashlight but nothing beats getting new towels in your basket-that's what mom got!) To cool. Hope every one was as blessed as we were. I'll get some pictures posted soon!

1 comment:

j said...

When I was little I ALWAYS wanted to bte the ears off and fill it with milk - and nobody would ever let me - so now N and K do it every year - it's a tradition. And in case you are wondering tastes WAYYYYYY better than regular milk.