Saturday, April 17, 2010

Conversation with a 2 year old

I love how funny a 2 year old can be. Here's the conversation the other night as I was cooking dinner.
Axel: "Hi Mom, I like apples."

Me: "You do, what kind of apples to you like?"

Axel: "Um.. green ones I eat, red ones I like."

Me: "I like green and red apples too. Do you know that there are yellow apples also?"

Axel: "Oh yeah! Go to store and buy more apples Mom."

This totally came out of the blue. We had no apples in the house at the time and I didn't say any thing about apples while I was cooking. It's cute to see what they are thinking. I just love all the language Axel has been learning. I'll have to make sure that we check all the colors of apples next time we go to the store.

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