Friday, January 2, 2009

First Christmas

It sure has been busy the last few weeks! I hope that every one had a great holiday season. We had an amazing holiday season. I can't believe how different things were this year compared to last year. It was so fun watching Axel this year. He sorta tore into his presents. He really liked the wrapping paper any ways! He is such a good boy and loves watching other kids. He has cousins on both sides (all the youngest are boys) so he was learning all kinds of kid stuff to do! We had fondue at the Rapp's. Axel liked the green peppers and of course loved banana's in the chocolate fondue! At the Hamblin Christmas (my side) he ate the ever famous Norwegian meat balls!! Which he dug along with mash potatoes. So all in all is was a good year for food and family time. Most of my family go the stomach flu the day after Christmas. Luckily Brian, Axel and I have not gotten sick yet. (Brian thinks it's because we got the flu shot's but I told him that's a different kind of flu) Anyways...we have enter the new year with our health!! I hope the same to every one out there.

The next big thing coming up is Axel's 1st Birthday!!! Wow can you believe it?! I know I can't. We have his parties this weekend and his big day is Monday!!! Wow!! My computer isn't working at home but it should be soon so I'll up date you with some pictures as soon as I can.

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