Friday, January 16, 2009


So we had our first Code Brown in the bathtub last night! Axel and I wear splashing around like normal and then all of a sudden he gives me this look and .....bloop bloop...two logs comes floating up!! It was SO funny and Gross! Brian was in the garage so I had to yell for him to help me. He came running in the bathroom as I'm yelling CODE BROWN, he looks into the tub and looks back at me and says what is their a pickle in the tub? (Axel really likes peas!!!) Then he realizes that no pickle just poo! I get Axel out and Brian (being the daddy that he is) cleans up the 'pickles'. So from now on when ever Axel gives me that look in the bathtub I guess I should hold him over the toilet or something? At least it wasn't on the floor. To funny...

1 comment:

Shelly Pagel said...

at least it was "pickels" and not relish! : )