Saturday, January 20, 2024

New Year’s Eve

 New Year’s Eve weekend was spent at a AirBNB on lake vermilion. It was right next door to the property my friend Kiersten and Jesse bought. It was a chilly weekend but we had a great time. Sat in the hot tub, chilled in the sauna, played games, went for a hike and totally disconnected. Thanks for having us Lawson’s! It was a much needed weekend away.

Frozen lakes are so pretty. We could hear the ice moving and freezing at night. It was cool.

Checking out the property 
One of the coolest saunas! The view!! Seriously 

I love this person. Thanks for being in my corner. Fire man hat given to the Lawson’s. (There was fire fighting event last summer up on lake vermilion where we stopped a forest fire - seriously) 

Sunsets across the lake 

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