Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Merry Christmas from the Rapps 
Got a waffle maker! Mini waffles with trees - thanks Axel
New ski googles !!
Buddy socks for everyone- this is Josie and Axel

Went to the Aquaman movie. Best way to spend Christmas Eve 

Ansels Venus fly trap. We will get to feed it a big in one more week.

The boys playing outside , in their socks with the drone 
What a great Christmas. New ski gear, trays and waffles 
When your mom makes you wear socks that hold hands 

Buddy socks are so fun!

Art work from Ansel 
Burrito blanket 
Another year comes to an end. Wow 2023 went fast. The boys enjoyed the break from school. We didn’t get to ski much because the weather was warm and rainy. We laid low, ate food and went to a movie. No matter the challenges that present throughout the year I am humbled and blessed with this amazing little family of mine.  Cheers to 2024!

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