Saturday, November 11, 2023

Wrapping up fall

I got to attend a leadership conference. Free breakfast to start the day. 
Work picture : Halloween contest- we were Swifties  

Brian , Big and Hank
Wearing a hard hat at work :) new Pediatric Infusion Center coming this March! 
Fun article from work posted. Cool how much history is on my unit. And I’m a part of it !
Pairing the storage room. Getting ready for winter. Clearing off the deck and cleaning up spaces. 

A visit at Mayo - always some of the best views 
Auctions are so fun!!
A porcelain sign for the wall
Breezy point - where the nursing conference was. I’m sure this place is super great in the summer. It was rainy and cold for us .

Love free books. Got to chat with the author .
Darts in the garage 


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