Saturday, March 26, 2022

Catch up


B and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary on 2/24.  We laid low and went out for dinner at Buca's.  It's kind of our place.  
Just babies

This has been the year of COVID tests.  Having an option to test at home has been nice but I am so done with testing the kids for COVID.  I don't like putting them through the test. The school has lots of rules about testing the boys.  Any time they miss school for any symptom they have to have a negative test to return to school.  
Ansel helping wash the car

2/2/22 and 2nd grade

Arm wrestling 

B's licenses plates 

broad games 

The Truck

We ordered a truck back in August.  IT has finally arrived!  This has been the longest wait for Brian! 

Love having Claire during the week 
We are luck enough to have Claire at our house sometime after school.  She is fun to play with and I love that she is getting to know all of us. 
Black sheep hat :)

Abel got to see me at work

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