Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ansel 8th birthday celebration

We celebrated Ansel’s birthday in Duluth. We ate good food, attempted to get outside and swam in the pool. It was a great weekend- I love Duluth any time a year. 
8 years old! 

Checking out the frozen icy lake shore 

Hot tubs 

Icy shore line 

The wind was chilly 

Dad found a license plate 

Grandma’s restaurant for good burgers 

More swimming 

Brunch at the rotating restaurant 
This was my first time to eat at the rotating restaurant.  It was fun to slowly spin around while eating. The view was amazing! 

Birthday boy 

The sky ways 
The hotel was connected to the sky ways. It was a great way to explore downtown and not have to be outside the whole time. 

We found a cupcake place in Superior Wis . It was the first big mission of the trip - find good cupcakes! 
So much swimming! 

Beautiful but cold 

Foggy view of Duluth 

I love brunch 

Whoopi pies 


Cheers to Ansel ! 

Happy birthday Ansel ! 

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