Saturday, January 1, 2022

Winter break activities

Chia Pets!

The Guy



Funny coloring books :)

The boys each got one in their stockings

Homemade cheese cake

They are starting to sprout! 

 Aggg.  Winter break is almost over.  It's been nice having the boys home and not rushing with school schedules.  I took one extra day off of work.  It gave us a day to have the boys cruise target and blow their gift cards.  We went to the movies and saw the new Matrix.  I'll say it's fun to go to a movie, had snacks and sat in the recliner.  The movie... was not great.  I think we all feel asleep at one point!  Yikes, we planned ahead and had the boys watch the first matrix movies so they knew the story.  It was still fun but not as great as we had hoped.  We have spent the new years weekend sleeping in, took down the Christmas stuff and celebrated Brain's birthday.  

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