Tuesday, January 11, 2022

14 years old?!


Happy birthday my man! 

Fun/gross game 

 Happy birthday Axel! You are 14 years old ? Aaggg… when did that happen? I love and hate watching you grow up.  You have grown up some much this year! You have enjoyed sports this year: cross country, track and basketball. You also are in robotics but basketball takes up a lot of time. 8th grade as been closer to normal and cross our fingers no distance learning yet.  Your funny, smart and super helpful- when asked. I love when I get time to chat in the kitchen with you. I love hearing your thoughts and learning what kind of person you are becoming. I am so proud to be your mom. Love you so much! So we celebrate another trip around the sun. One more year that I get you in our house and one more year that I get to watch you grow. 

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