Sunday, January 31, 2021


 I have been luckily enough to receive both doses of the COVID vaccine.  What a a feeling!  It's crazy how much has gone into the COVID vaccine process.  I know some people are unsure about the vaccine but I was happy to get in line.  Why did I do it you ask?  I did it because I could, because I believe in science, because I want to protect my peers and family, because I want to see live music, because I want my kids in school and because I want date night again.  I want life to return to what we knew it was with out worry every time we come to a crowd of people.  I know it's not there yet but this is the beginning.   I had minimal side affects from the 2nd vaccine.  I got it early on a Friday morning.  About 6 hours later I feel super tired and almost like I was in a fog.  I was also super nauseous all day.  I woke up the next day and felt normal. I kept waiting for more symptoms but kept busy that day and nothing happened.  I know that this doesn't mean that I can be less vigilant with  mask wearing and hand washing but again it's a start!  

I have been helping in extra spots at work lately.  I worked on the COVID triage phone line.  I took calls from staff members that need to get tested for COVID, helped them make the swab clinic appointment and did follow up calls with staff that have tested positive. I have learned so much.  It's been fun to be a part of this crazy time in health care.  I also have volunteered to help at work at the vaccine clinics. I have been helping about one shift a week.  It has been such a moving experience.  I truly know that I am a part of history in the making.  It has been an honor to give the vaccine to my peers at Mayo clinic.  I have gotten to vaccinate almost 100 people!  I have met so many wonderful people that are also excited to get their vaccines.  I have met other nurses, doctors, scientist, construction workers and my favorite was a 99 year old nun.  It was truly an honor to vaccine one of the Franciscan sisters.  She was so sweet and had the tiniest arms!  I said a little prayer that I didn't hurt her or leave a bruise.   

So here we are almost a full year into this unprecedented time of my life but I finally feel like we might see the light at the end of the tunnel.  We have gone through so much in the last year.  I'm hopeful that things are going  to get better.  I try to not get anxious when I watch the news and learn about the new COVID strains.  I guess some days I'm hopeful and others I'm anxious.  I think that is where most of us are?  One day at a time.  Today I'm grateful that I get to help and feel like I can control something.  Even if it's little- it's some thing.  Hope you all are being safe and staying healthy.  We will get through this!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

House Projects

 We made a bench!  We picked up a piece of wood, sanded it and boom we have a bench.  It was an empty corner of the house that we piled up shoes.  Now its like a separate mud room.  We also painted it green to add a little color to bring out the natural colors of the wood.  I love it!  

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 The boys have been busy with one of the Xmas gifts from Grandma and Grandpa.  They got these science/engineering kits.  The boys have been learning so much and getting along (even for  short time) while working on them.  Each kit is a different project.  Some are easy and some are tricky.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the entertainment! 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Playing the snow

 The boys playing in the snow.  I'm glad they like to get outside in the winter.  I do not like winter- it's to cold!  I will continue to whine every winter about the cold.  

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Axel turns 13!

 My first born is 13 years old!  A teenager?!  That sure happened way to quick.  This year has been so weird and not the way it should have been.  He is in 7th grade but has done most of the year distance learning.  He has tech to help him stay in touch with friends but not what 7th grade should be.  We have barely have had friends over. He got to start cross country at the beginning of the school  but since then all extra activities has been canceled.  Again, not the year it should have been.  Axel is growing up so much.  He is way taller then me and his feet are almost the size of his Dad's.  I'm biased but I really think Axel is a fun interesting person.  Don't get me wrong his totally knows how to push me to my limits or work me for what he wants- because he knows I'm a softy.  I love the conversations we get into.  I love how he challenges me and makes me think at some thing in a different way.  He is so smart and witty.  This year has messed up his natural drive and purpose but I have hopes that when things get to a post COVID world these will come back.  13 seems like such a big number! Axel has pimples and has become stinky!   I'm sure he will be so glad that I have shared that part.  Happy Birthday my boy.  I am so honored to be your mom.  Pictures of Axel over this year.  He didn't want his picture taken this year but I still  got a few :)

2020 school picture

Axel's input this year:

Wants to be when he grow up:  Has no idea

Favorite food: Has no clue

Favorite color:  Blue

Favorite things to do: Play video games

As you can tell he was super stoked to answer my questions this year.