Thursday, September 10, 2020

First day of school 2020

 First day of school 2020

Axel 7th grade.  He is doing hybrid learning this year.  He will be in person every other week with distance learning on Fridays. He didn't want to show me a smile :) He was so ready to go back!  He also started Cross Country a couple of weeks ago.  It's nice to have some type of 'norms' back.

Ansel 1st grade.  He will be starting in person Monday- Thursday with distance learning on Fridays.  It was a rough morning getting up but when I picked him up today he was really happy to be back in school.  

Abel 4th grade.  He will be in personal Monday- Thursday and distance learning on Friday.  He was ready to go back!  

I'm so nervous and excited about school starting.  It's been a long 6 months with out school.  I hope the boys get back on track and every one stays healthy.  Good luck to all the kids and teachers out there!  

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