Monday, September 11, 2017

The Zombie did it!

Ansel's first ER visit
 Ansel is sticking to his story.  After dinner the other night Ansel informed me that a zombie put some carrots up is nose!!  I didn't know if I should believe him until I looked and sure as hell....there was a carrot up his nose. (These are mini uncooked carrots)  I was able to remove the one I could see.  I thought we were done but he then told me that there was another one on the other side.  I couldn't see it and totally believed him since I had already pulled one out.  So to the ER we went.
 The Cannon Falls ER team tried their best and were unable to remove the carrot.  We ended up driving to Rochester and having them try.  After 2 ER's, nurses, doctors and finally the ENT team- with a scope and camera.  The carrot wasn't removed but pushed back into his stomach!  They weren't able to pull it out but could push it back.  This totally took away my trophy/resolution that it was removed.  But the scope looked clean so we went home.  (this was finally at 1 am)  Needless to say it was quite the evening.  When I asked Ansel can you tell mom why you did that?  His answer (at 3 years old) was he didn't do it, it was the zombie!  Well at least he told me so he didn't end up with a garden growing in his nose but we will no longer allow zombies at the dinner table!    

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