Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ansel's 1st Dentist appt.

He looks so little in that chair
 So Ansel finally made it to the dentist.  I like to wait until they are 3 years old to go to help with compliance. :)  He did a great job.  He wasn't scared and he even sat there long enough to get his teeth cleaned.  A perfect 1st check up- No cavities!!!

Way to go buddy!!  My boys sure are growing up.  Slow down guys...it makes me a little sad.  I would say we don't have a baby in the house any more, but we are still working (or I should say Ansel is avoiding) potty training.  Soon enough.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Random picture catch up

Axel's bird house that he made in school

B-day parties

Funny how a picture can capture each persons personality :)
Playing in the car wash

The boys washing the windows at night

Ansel always lining up his toys

Dino-mite sandwiches 

Ice cream

Holding my oldest baby :)

RZR rides!

Summer time- staying up late playing in the yard

Looking dapper! 

So much style

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Zombie did it!

Ansel's first ER visit
 Ansel is sticking to his story.  After dinner the other night Ansel informed me that a zombie put some carrots up is nose!!  I didn't know if I should believe him until I looked and sure as hell....there was a carrot up his nose. (These are mini uncooked carrots)  I was able to remove the one I could see.  I thought we were done but he then told me that there was another one on the other side.  I couldn't see it and totally believed him since I had already pulled one out.  So to the ER we went.
 The Cannon Falls ER team tried their best and were unable to remove the carrot.  We ended up driving to Rochester and having them try.  After 2 ER's, nurses, doctors and finally the ENT team- with a scope and camera.  The carrot wasn't removed but pushed back into his stomach!  They weren't able to pull it out but could push it back.  This totally took away my trophy/resolution that it was removed.  But the scope looked clean so we went home.  (this was finally at 1 am)  Needless to say it was quite the evening.  When I asked Ansel can you tell mom why you did that?  His answer (at 3 years old) was he didn't do it, it was the zombie!  Well at least he told me so he didn't end up with a garden growing in his nose but we will no longer allow zombies at the dinner table!    

Saturday, September 9, 2017

First Day of School

Abel 1st Grade
Axel 4th grade

 Another school year begins.  We have had such a busy summer- so maybe we are ready for the pattern of school.  I will miss not worrying about bedtimes, home work and packing lunches.  But just like any thing else before your ready it's time to move on and start another year.  Good luck boys!  Let's rock this school year! :)

Striking a pose
 Abel is excited for first grade but worried there might be a lot of reading.  Axel is ready to see his friends, doesn't mind home work and reminded me that in 4th grade they "talk about you know what."  I informed him that I think it's mostly just hygiene conversations and not the birds and the bees but either way I'm sure conferences will be fun this year after they open that can of worms :)  

Ansel still at home for one more year
 I took the first day of school off of work.  It was so nice to be home in the middle of the week and spend a whole day with my little one.  I miss those days.  We went to the bakery, watched cartoons and even took a nap.  It was a wonderful day.  Until the zombie put a carrot in Ansel's nose- more to come on that one.  Any ways....school it's back!