Monday, May 29, 2017

My Birthday

Me and my twin sister on our B-day
37 years old...gulp! :)
My friend Ritu and me

The old  dance gang
Krisha, Hilary, Me, Jana and Ritu

So much is different, yet so much is the same!
So it was my birthday this weekend.  I turn the pages on another year!  Time sure does seem to be cruising by.  I turned 37!  Gulp... wow... when did I get this old?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not freaking out about my age or any thing but it just really seems like a grown up number now.  I totally don't feel like I'm 37- well I guess what does 37 supposed to feel like?  Maybe I do feel 37?  It's a funny thought.... So here I am at 37. (still no grey hair- so I'll take that as a plus!)
I got to spend my B-day with my sister and some friends at a wedding.  My friend Ritu, who I haven't seen in years flew in from New York and I got to be her plus one to a wedding.  The wedding was for a girl that we both used to teach dance to.  It was fun to spend the day dressed up and with old school friends!  It's crazy how time and distance can separate us but so many things remain the same.  No matter life's curve balls some people will always have a place in you heart- these are some of those people for me.  Cheers to another year!

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