Sunday, April 23, 2017

We moved!

We sold the 6th street the house :)

Just a ally way from Grandma's house

1st night chilling on the deck!

The older boys in the kitchen

1st bloody nose :)

Front door in the sunlight

It's so sunny Mom

Playing the backyard

Walking in the cemetery- right in the back yard
It's like a park right next to our house! 


Thanks Uncle Jim for finishing Axel's room!!

Ansel loves helping Jim

Marking wood- just like Jim 
So we finally moved!! It has been a crazy busy weekend.  It is SO much work moving.  We have most things in the house and have started the fun of unpacking.  Uncle Jim is helping finish a room in the basement.  Then each boy will have their own room.  It's starting to look awesome.  Each time I empty a box I feel I little more organized. We at least know where our tooth brushes are and will keep working on the rest.  I'm bummed the weekend went to so fast but I LOVE my new house!!!

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