Sunday, June 5, 2016

Abel's 1st ER visit

 I was working the other weekend and got a call from Brian.  Brian never calls me at work.  I figured some one was hurt or some thing was going on.  It turns out-Abel had stuck a Lego piece up his nose and they couldn't get it out!  He said that he didn't believe Dad when he said things can get stuck up there!  So I met them at the ER. :)
Look right here Mom!

There it is!!

Balloon gloves makes scary things better

Luckily it just came out with a nose blow!!
Abel said- Glad I came to the hospital just so a Doctor could blow my nose
 Brian swears he tried blowing his nose at home :)  No worries- this is why insurance is a good thing.
All smiles on the way home
Even got to ride in the front seat

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