Monday, March 14, 2016

The Birds & The Bees

Kids say the darnest things:
So the other day I was at work and I called home during lunch to check on the boys.  Brain said the boys had asked him a question and he wasn't sure how to answer it.  He said the boys asked him if he has ever seen a vagina?!  And they were wondering if they could see one?! Here's the convo he told me about:
Boys- Dad have you ever seen a vagina?
Dad- Umm...why?
Boys- We have never seen one and were wondering what it looks like. Have you ever seen mom's?
Dad-, yes?!
Boys- Have you taken a picture of it?
Dad- Why would you do that?
Boys- So you can look at it later!
Dad- Good point, but no.  I have not and we don't want to think of mom like that.
Boys- So can we see one?

This is when I happen to call the house.  Brian was like well...what do I do? (Brian and I believe in using the real words for body parts & having open communication but we did not think about how smart kids are at young ages!)  I guess we decided to have them google a medical diagram. So they did.  Abel giggled and said that looks like a butt!  Axel was interested and asked a few questions.  (he said well if we are mammels then the girls don't lay eggs- they stay in their stomache, right?!)  Brian said it went well & wasn't as awkard as he thought it would be.  Wow.... I didn't think we would be having the birds and the bees conversation yet but it was a start. It blows me away the stuff Axel knows already. 

Nice job Brian...thanks for starting the "talk".  Here's hoping the next time it goes just as smooth :)


j said...

"Have you taken a picture of it?" This is clearly the best part of this conversation. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Rapp family fun said...

I know right? I figured it was an embarrassing yet cute story. I promise I won't write about the 'talk' when they are teenagers. I love Abel's logic- Take a picture-so you can look at it later?!! Makes total sense. :)