Monday, March 21, 2016

That one day it was sunny....

Ansel building legos

Ansel & Abel- they sure do love each other!

Doughnut date with Mom

Trying sweet peppers :)

Finally got to play at the park!

Ansel is full fledge up and ready to so his own thing at the park

A little sweet tooth-
cream puff chickens

And bunny cookies

It was so nice out last week but the weather has taken a change again.  We even got snow this weekend!  It's already melted and I'm sure it'll really start to warm up now but we loved the little taste of sunshine!  We played at the park, walked to bakery and even opened the windows.  Spring we know you around the corner! We are ready.... I can't wait for all the outside fun we will have this summer!  Big brother Axel was at school this time but soon we will all be home and playing together.

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