Monday, February 9, 2015
11 Months
Ansel is 11 months:
I can't believe that we are only 4 weeks away from celebrating Ansel's 1st Birthday! Man this year has gone so fast. I think Ansel's first year has gone the fastest out of all the boys. Maybe because he is the third child and we are busy with so many other things. I love this phase- the start of getting independent.
What he is up to:
Crawling every where! Crawling up on hands and knees now too. Pulling himself up on things. Pulling self to knees and feet- all the way standing. Using a sippy cup more- at each meal and when in the hi-chair. Starting to work on using a spoon when eating- Oh so messy. 2 teeth so far. I think I can officially write that his first word is "Ma ma"!! (# 3 child- finally got Ma Ma instead of Da Da) I love when I walk in the room and hear him say it.
Of course you have to talk about how the baby sleeps. (Sad that in a few months I won't call him a baby any more) Ansel does not sleep well. There I said it! Ughh.... I know this phase ends but it sure is hard when your in the middle of it. Ansel goes to bed well- lays down awake with a bottle. His issue is staying asleep. He likes to wake up 1-3 times a night still! Most of the time he just wants reassurance that some one is there- likes his back rub or hand held. Yes, it sounds sweat until you do it every night at 11pm, 2am and 5am. I haven't figured out the best way to keep him sleeping all night. I've tried- baths before bed, bottles, staying up later, even not allowing an evening nap. None of it really seems to help. He does normally take a good 1-3 hour nap during the day. This is when I can finally get some homework done and think about getting on the treadmill. I just keep reminding myself that kids do eventually sleep.
Ansel is a happy baby. Might not sleep but at least he is super chill and happy. I have to say he has been the easiest baby we have had. Not sure if it's because Brian and I are more broken in or if it is him. He likes to play with toys. Climb around on things and do any thing his brothers are doing. He loves playing with the tupperware and pots and pans in the kitchen.
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1 comment:
I can't even imagine a 3rd, but you make it sound pretty easy. You must be laid back. :) What a cutie. And I can't believe he is going to be a year!!!
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