The Behavioral Clip Chart |
Let's talk about the clip chart. It helps set rules and hold the kids accountable for behaving in class. You can see on the bottom the key for the colors. (I've heard from other parent's that their school uses this too?)
How it works:
Each kid starts at
Green- during the school day you can get clipped up for good behavior or clipped down for not so good behavior. As you can see Axel struggles with the clip chart. Each day we talk about what color he ended up on and how it happened. It has gotten to the point that he has more 'bad color' days then 'good'. I ask Axel each day the reason for getting clipped down. He ALWAYS gives me the same answer.
Axel: For talking and turning around in my chair.
Me: Why do you continue to talk when you know you are going to get in trouble and clipped down?
Axel: Because I have a lot to talk about.
Me: Your buddy Andrew, does he talk so much?
Axel: No
Me: Why don't you follow his lead and learn when not to talk?
Axel: Mom, I'm my own individual person- You don't want me to be just like some one else do you?
No Axel, I don't! Of course I don't. I struggle myself with this darn clip chart. I understand that the teacher needs to set rules and guidelines for the day. I hate that each day when Axel comes home it becomes all about the darn clip chart and his behaviors. I know he's a good kid. He doesn't mean to interrupt the class- He's just very chatty!
I have no idea where he gets this? Oh he is so much like me. :)
I believe that he won't become a criminal in life just because he talks a lot in first grade. Right?! I want him to learn that this is a time and place for energy and a time and place that we need to be calm. There are times when we have to conform. To listen and do what is told to us. But there also are times when our voice is important and should be heard. How do I teach him this? To follow the rules that school encourages but also encourage him to have a free mind/spirit. I tell him some day he can get a job that involves talking and he can do it all day!
Luckily academically he is doing very well.
Now it's at the point of what do we do with the information of the clip chart. How much do we let it affect our time together at home. I have tried a few different 'punishments' : taking away TV/electronics, grounding from favorite toys, more homework, time outs and early bedtime. I don't think any threat or punishment at home really changes how he behaves at school. I'm sick of having a bummer night at home because of a clip chart. At least we haven't gotten any
Red this month- On that one you get an email from the teacher!
I hope some day I'll look back at this posting and say "Oh, yeah that silly chart! I barely remember that thing!"
Dear Axel,
All Mom is asking is that you get on a
Green! Please stop talking so much at school.
Love you