Monday, June 23, 2014


 I have officially become a Soccer Mom. I actually don't mind that label :) I don't drive a mini-van (yet), I don't wear a fanny belt and I DO get out of my sweat pants to go to my kids practice. No worries Axel I'm sure I'll embarrass you another time.
 Axel's team nick name is 'High 5 Axel.' He has been really excited about playing Soccer. He loves that he gets to wear cleats and shin guards.  Last week at his game he even got the 1st goal for his team!  I'm so glad I was there to watch.  Axel was grinning ear to ear for the rest of the night.

1 comment:

jules said...

Oh, how exciting, Axel!!! And Mom. :) I can only imagine how fun that is to witness!!! (And you guys are surviving without a minivan?!?! I didn't even know that was possible with 3!