Thursday, June 13, 2013

Moab continues

 The boys have loved staying in a hotel. Every one in one room and dad to lay on is the best. Abel has been doing really well sleeping in the big bed with either Mom or Dad.
 Axel has loved all the rocks, lizards and cactus. He asks me to take a picture every time he sees one- which is a lot! He has started to name them. We found some flowering ones today-pictures to come later- which he thought was super cool. He has been asking to bring a lizard home also. Luckily he can't catch them.
Big boy heaven in Moab! 4WD and lot's of crazy gravel/off roading.
                                                     So many amazing views.

 That is me and Axel hanging to close to the edge. So windy and scarey. Axel thought nothing of it!
 Sand Dunes. The boys loved feeling the sand on their feet. This one was in the shade which was perfect! It sure is very very warm here in June!
                         My family :)
 Abel loved the sand. I think he would have taken a nap here.
                                       Axel is a great climber with no fear.
We are spending our last night in Moab. Arches National Park and Canyon Land National park are amazing and a must see. I have so many amazing pictures to go through. Thanks to Brian for the best B-day gift ever before a trip- a new camera. It sure has been great. My skin is red and on fire-my nordiac skin is NOT use to the heat- the boys skin is fine aleast, but it has been a great family trip so far. We are heading to Colorado tomorrow to see a bunch of Brian's family. We haven't seen them in years. It'll be so gret to catch up with them.

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