Monday, February 18, 2013

EPIC is done!!

I haven't written much about it yet because I was totally stressing. I have been in an internship for the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) at the Mayo clinic. Well they happen to be one of the few places that have you do a 12 week internship to start your job. During this time you take a ton of classes and start to work on the unit. The classes are very intense and have a ton of information to cover. At the end of the 12 weeks you have to test out- to keep your job. Gulp... no stress here right? Well after much sweat and tears I have officially passed the test! I can finally breath. I still have a ton to learn at my new job but I am super excited to take the next steps and continue to grow as a nurse! Some times you have to take big leaps in life to prove to yourself that you can do it. A big thanks to Brian and my boys for continuing to support me and giving me time to study!

1 comment:

jules said...

CONGRATS, Shanna. Isn't that the greatest feeling when you find out you passes? I just took a test before leaving for maternity leave, and probably didn't study as hard as I should have. But I passed. And it felt great. Congrats, and have a celebratory drink!!!